Company news

Gagnez plus avec chaque dépôt

Nous tenons à vous informer qu'à partir du 1er mai 2022, JustMarkets a modifié la condition du bonus de dépôt.
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Déclaration de l'entreprise concernant la guerre en Ukraine

Notre entreprise et notre équipe condamnent fermement cette invasion, agression militaire contre l'Ukraine, et les actes de génocide commis systématiquement contre les civils.
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Lancement du service JustMarkets Copytrading

Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que nous avons commencé les tests bêta de notre service JustMarkets Copytrading.
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Trading Schedule Changes from March 27, 2022

Please be advised that the trading schedule will have some changes.
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New Payment Methods Have Been Added on JustMarkets

We are happy to inform you about adding new payment methods in Tanzania, South Africa, and Nigeria.
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Scheduled Technical Maintenance, March 19-20, 2022

We would like to inform you that from March 19, 00:00 to March 20, 24:00 (GMT+2), our technical team will carry out scheduled maintenance of MetaTrader 5 servers.
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Trading Schedule Changes in March 2022

Please be advised that the trading schedule will have some changes.
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Trading Schedule Changes in February 2022

Please be advised that the trading schedule will have some changes.
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Change in the rouble

Due to the high tensions in Europe, the banks are reacting very defensively on currency pairs with the rouble (RUB).
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Market volatility notice

In the light of the latest events with Russia's outrageous and amoral attack on peaceful Ukraine, please note the abnormal market conditions.
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