Company news

Trading Schedule Changes in February 2022

Please be advised that the trading schedule will have some changes.
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Change in the rouble

Due to the high tensions in Europe, the banks are reacting very defensively on currency pairs with the rouble (RUB).
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Market volatility notice

In the light of the latest events with Russia's outrageous and amoral attack on peaceful Ukraine, please note the abnormal market conditions.
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Trading Schedule for January

Please be advised that the trading schedule will have some changes.
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نريد أن نهنئكم بالعام الصيني الجديد!

نتمنى أن تكون سنة النمر مليئة بالسعادة والحب والازدهار. ابقوا معنا في عام 2022!
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Important information: Scheduled Technical Maintenance, January 15, 2022

We want to inform you that our technical team will perform scheduled maintenance on the client area on January 15, between 09:00 - 18:00 (GMT+2).
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فريق JustMarkets يتمنى لكم أعياد سعيدة!

نتمنى أن يجلب العام التالي الربح والازدهار والسعادة لكم ولعائلتكم!
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Trading Schedule for December 2021 and early January 2022

Please be advised that the trading schedule will have some changes.
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مسابقة تداول العطلة السعيدة

أعزائنا المتداولين ، يسعدنا أن نعلن عن إطلاق مسابقة تداول العطلة السعيدة
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Important notice for clients

Due to the advantageous trading conditions provided to our valuable clients and partners, we have suffered from a wave of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
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